Born on June 25 1945. Graduated in Economy from Universidade Federal Fluminense. He began his career in January 1967 at Banco Mineiro do Oeste S.A. acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A. in 1973. In September 1981he started to work abroad as the General Manager of the New York Branch. In March 1993 when returning to Brazil he was elected as Regional Director in February 1995 as Department Director in March 1998 as Associate Executive Officer and in March 1999 as Managing Director position currently held. He is Member of the Managing Body of Funda��o Bradesco and the Board of Directors of the Foundation Institute for Digestive System and Nutrition Diseases (FIMADEN). He is also Chief Executive Officer of Banco Bradesco Argentina S.A. Executive Vice President of Bradesco Services Co. Ltd. and Officer Bradesco Trade Services Limited and of Cidade Capital Markets Ltd Manager of Bradport S.G.P.S. Sociedade Unipessoal and Managing Director of BRAM Bradesco Asset Management S.A. Distribuidra de T�tulosf e Valores Mobiliarios. Besides these activities he is Member of the Board of Directors of Centro Brasileiro de Relacoes Internacionais (Brazilian Center of International Relations) CEBRI. He was Member of the Board of Directors and Treasury Director of Boavista Banking Limited. |