Juan Camilo Restrepo Salazar was born in 1946. He has held different public charges such as Secretary and Adviser of the board of directors of the Banco de la Rep�blica of Colombia, Banking Superintendent, President of the National Securities Commission (Comisi�n Nacional de Valores), Commercial Manager of the Federaci�n Nacional de Cafeteros, Minister of Mines and Energy, Minister of Finance, and Ambassador of Colombia in France. He has also held certain positions in the private sector such as President of Fedeleasing, Representative of the Federaci�n Nacional de Cafeteros in the International Coffee Organization in London. He has been member of the boards of directors of various companies such as Bansuperior, Seguros Atlas S.A., Seguros Atlas de Vida, Almacaf�, Banco Cafetero, BCH, Bancoldex, La Previsora S.A., the Caja de Cr�dito Agrario, and Federaci�n Nacional de Cafeteros. Currently, he is a member of the board of directors of the Empresas P�blicas de Medell�n and Cusezar. He is the author of various articles and publications, and is a professor in different universities.