Judith S. Zawojewski has long been interested in the teaching and learning of mathematics in the context of the classroom experience. In particular, she is involved in the development and study of models and modeling as problem solving for middle and high school students, and in engineering education. She is particularly interested in enhancing the mathematics education experience for all students, by tapping a diversity of strengths and perspectives that different students bring to the problem solving and modeling experience.
Dr. Zawojewski received her Ph. D. in teaching and learning processes (specializing in mathematics education) from Northwestern University (1986); M. S. Ed. in mathematics education from National College of Education (1978); B. S. Ed. in mathematics and education from Northwestern University (1973).
Dr. Zawojewski publishes for both practitioners and researchers. Her recent work for practitioners includes a series of books for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Navigating through Problem Solving and Reasoning in Grade 3 (2004); Grade 4 (2005); Grade 5 (2006); and Grade 6 (in press). Dr. Zawojewski�s recent work for researchers includes a series of chapters in Beyond Constructivism: A Models and Modeling Perspective on Problem Solving, Learning and Instruction in Mathematics and Science Education (2003) in which she addresses problem solving and small group activity. Her current collaborative work will result in a chapter on problem solving and modeling for the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Volume 2; and chapters (and editorship) for the forthcoming Models and Modeling in Engineering Education: Designing Experiences for All Students. |