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Profile of Milos Fic

Milos Fic

VP, Quality Management Services - Era Corp.
Milos Fic Email :
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Company Name : Era Corp.
Company Website : www.rannoch.com
Company Address : 1881 Campus Commons Dr.
Ste. 101, Reston, VA,
United States,
Milos Fic Profile :
VP, Quality Management Services - Era Corp.
Milos Fic Biography :

Mr. Fic has over 35 years of experience in advanced engineering and technology research and development. He is responsible for Era�s quality management services. Mr. Fic possesses an extensive knowledge of industry processes and principles of quality management. Mr. Fic began his career with Tesla Company, a world leader in active and passive radar, working on the mechanical design of active radars, and later as a Production Director of TESLA�s Radar Division. Mr. Fic joined Era in 1994 as the Production Director. He was responsible for establishing and managing the production department. In 2000, Mr. Fic was appointed to the position of Quality Director of Era and was responsible for maintaining and improving Era�s quality control system. Mr Fic holds the EOQ Quality Systems Manager Certificate and EOQ Quality Auditor Certificate.

Milos Fic Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Dave Ellison

Board Dir., Pres., CEO Please login

Russell Hulstrom

VP, GM, Air Traffic Management Solutions Please login

Bill Colligan

VP, GM, Airport Operations Solutions Please login

Stanislav Spurny

VP, GM, Military, Security Solutions Please login

Dave Basil

VP, Product Development, Deployment Services Please login

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