Born on April 24 1945. Graduated in Business Administration from UNIFIEO Centro Universit�rio FIEO de Osasco. He was hired into Bradesco in September 1957. He held all positions of the hierarchical scale of a bank. In March 1985 he was elected as Department Director in March 1998 as Associate Executive Officer and in March 1999 as Managing Director position currently held. He is Member of the Managing Body of Funda��o Bradesco and of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Institute for Digestive System and Nutrition Diseases (FIMADEN). He is also Substitute Member of the Board of Directors of CPM Holdings Ltd.; Secretary Officer of the Brotherhood of Credit Financing and Investment Companies of the State of S�o Paulo and previously held the positions of Vice President Deputy Officer and Secretary Officer of the Interstate Federation of Credit Financing and Investment Institutions (FENACREFI). He was Director of Bradesco S.A. Corretora de T�tulos e Valores Mobili�rios from January 1984 to March 1985; First Secretary Officer of the Brotherhood of Banks of the States of S�o Paulo Paran� Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul from June 1989 to May 1998; and Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of CPM Braxis S.A. (ex- CPM S.A.) from February 2003 to March 2007 |