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Profile of Natan Blaunstein

Natan Blaunstein

Dir., VP - Research, Development, Chief Scientist - Security Devices International Inc.
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Company Name : Security Devices International Inc.
Company Website : www.lektrox.com
Company Address : 120 Adelaide St. W
Ste. 2500, Toronto, ON,
Natan Blaunstein Profile :
Dir., VP - Research, Development, Chief Scientist - Security Devices International Inc.
Natan Blaunstein Biography :

Dr. Natan Blaunstein has been an officer of SDI since March 2005 and one of its directors since April 2005. Dr. Blaunstein has been a associate professor at Ben-Gurion University (Israel) since 1993 and is presently a Professor in the University's Department of Communication Systems Engineering and a professor in the Wireless Cellular Communication Program of Holon Institute and Ruppin Scientific Center (Israel). He was previously an engineer, a lecturer and then, from 1984 to 1992, a senior scientist, an associate professor and a professor at State University, Beltsy, Moldova, former USSR. Dr. Blaunstein received an MSc in Radiophysics and Electronics from Tomsk University, Tomsk, Russia, in 1972, and PhD and DSc degrees in Radiophysics and Electronics from the Institute of Geomagnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIR), Academy of Science USSR, Moscow, Russia, in 1985 and 1991, respectively.

Natan Blaunstein Colleagues :
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Sheldon Kales

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Ilan Shalev

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Haim Danon

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Yoav Paz

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Emanuel Mendes

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