Neil J. Call is a Director of SONA and the Bank. Mr. Call now retired was an Executive Vice President of MacKenzie Partners Inc. a New York City financial consulting company since 1990. Mr. Call was formerly executive Vice President and co-founder of the Proxy/M&A Group at Dewe Rogerson Inc. the predecessor firm to MacKenzie Partners. Mr. Call was a director of Southern Financial Bancorp Inc. and Southern Financial Bank from 1986 until April 2004 and was chairman of that board�s Audit Committee. From 1986 to 1989 he served as Executive Vice President of D.F. King and Co. Prior to that he was with Gulf + Western Industries (now Paramount Communications) most recently as Executive Vice President/Finance and previously as Director of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations. He also spent six years with Ford Motor Company�s Finance Division. Mr. Call is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Michigan.