Represented Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan in two putative national class actions and one state class action commenced by physicians and other health care providers alleging RICO violations arising out of the processing of claims.
Represented Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan in a state class action commenced by administrative services contracts customers alleging violations of ERISA.
Represented Ford Motor Company in a state action commenced by former employees alleging violations of ERISA.
Obtained injunctions in thirteen trademark infringement actions brought by Lorillard Tobacco Company against cigarette counterfeiters, including in a Sixth Circuit reversal of the one case in which the District Court failed to enter an injunction.
Represented Ford Motor Company and Carroll Hall Shelby in trademark infringement, breach of contract, and business tort litigation arising out of the sale of Shelby Mustang vehicle parts.
Successfully represented numerous insurers against ERISA claims for health care benefits.
Secured summary judgment for J.P. Morgan Chase enforcing a liquidated damages clause against former employee who violated non-competition provisions in her employment contract.
Obtained favorable arbitration award for an accounting firm against former employee under a liquidated damages clause as remedy for violations of a non-competition agreement.
Represented numerous corporations in product liability actions ranging from allegedly defective machinery to allegedly dangerous consumer products.
Represented numerous construction companies in construction lien foreclosure actions.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
Ford Motor Company
J.P. Morgan Chase, N.A.
Lorillard Tobacco Company
Target Corporation
Turner Construction Company
Business Torts
Class Actions
Insurance Health Care
Product Liability
Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association
Federal Bar Association
American Bar Association
Western Michigan University, Lee Honors College, B.A. 1999 (cum laude)
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, J.D. 2003 (cum laude)
Recipient, J.P. Cavanaugh Scholarship, 2000-2003
Member, Moot Court Board of Directors
Member, Law Review |