(M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering, UCD, 2001) is the Chief Software Designer at STILMAN and leads our software team. In 1996-1998, Oleg worked at Maxtor and, later in 1998-2000, he ran the entire software development division for another company, STS, before committing to STILMAN full-time. He has been a recipient of a number of the top student awards at UCD. At STILMAN, Oleg has been the leading developer of LG-FRAMEWORK and comprehensive LG-PACKAGE including GDK (Game Development Kit), GRT (Game Resource Tool), and GST (Game Solving Tool). Oleg led the development of LG-JEC for DARPA (JFACC Intelligent Adviser for SEAD Missions), LG-EBO for Boeing/AFRL (Effects Based Operation "Thunder from Space"), multiple versions of LG-PROTECTOR for Boeing ("Defense against Cruise Missile Attack"), LG-TCT ("Air Attack with Prosecution of Time Critical Targets"), LG-AIR/LAND (Large Scale Joint Operation with Air and Land Components), LG-SHIELD (Global Ballistic Missile Defense integrated with Ground, Air and Space components). All these programs received accolades from STILMAN's customers as well as military/industry experts and scientists from around the world. Oleg has received a number of special recognition awards from the STILMAN management for his creative solutions and software quality. |