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Profile of Oleg Umanskiy

Oleg Umanskiy

Chief Software Designer - Stilman Advanced Strategies LLC
Oleg Umanskiy Email :
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Company Name : Stilman Advanced Strategies LLC
Company Website : www.stilman-strategies.com
Company Address : 1623 Blake St.
Ste. 200, Denver, CO,
United States,
Oleg Umanskiy Profile :
Chief Software Designer - Stilman Advanced Strategies LLC
Oleg Umanskiy Biography :

(M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering, UCD, 2001) is the Chief Software Designer at STILMAN and leads our software team. In 1996-1998, Oleg worked at Maxtor and, later in 1998-2000, he ran the entire software development division for another company, STS, before committing to STILMAN full-time. He has been a recipient of a number of the top student awards at UCD. At STILMAN, Oleg has been the leading developer of LG-FRAMEWORK and comprehensive LG-PACKAGE including GDK (Game Development Kit), GRT (Game Resource Tool), and GST (Game Solving Tool). Oleg led the development of LG-JEC for DARPA (JFACC Intelligent Adviser for SEAD Missions), LG-EBO for Boeing/AFRL (Effects Based Operation "Thunder from Space"), multiple versions of LG-PROTECTOR for Boeing ("Defense against Cruise Missile Attack"), LG-TCT ("Air Attack with Prosecution of Time Critical Targets"), LG-AIR/LAND (Large Scale Joint Operation with Air and Land Components), LG-SHIELD (Global Ballistic Missile Defense integrated with Ground, Air and Space components). All these programs received accolades from STILMAN's customers as well as military/industry experts and scientists from around the world. Oleg has received a number of special recognition awards from the STILMAN management for his creative solutions and software quality.

Oleg Umanskiy Colleagues :
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Boris Stilman

Chmn., CEO Please login

Vladimir Yakhnis

Chief Scientist Please login

Tom Altman

Chief Algorithms Architect Please login

Ron Boyd

Sr. Software Engineer Please login

Slava Pugachev

Software Engineer Please login

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