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Profile of Pamela Gordon

Pamela Gordon

Contact Manufacturing, outsourcing - Natural Logic
Pamela Gordon Email :
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Company Name : Natural Logic
Company Website : www.natlogic.com
Company Address : PO Box 119
, Berkeley, CA,
United States,
Pamela Gordon Profile :
Contact Manufacturing, outsourcing - Natural Logic
Pamela Gordon Biography :

Ms. Gordon leads a strategic?consulting firm serving some of the world's best known electronics companies (Cisco, HP, Flextronics, etc.) in best-practice outsourcing, supply?chain, and profitable environmental steps. Technology Forecasters' Quarterly Forum for Electronics Manufacturing Outsourcing and Supply Chain is the world's most strategic and prestigious quarterly research-discussion and networking group, with more than 200 electronics manufacturer and supplier executive members. In 2001 she wrote the book Lean and Green: Profit for Your Workplace and the Environment, published by Berrett?Koehler Publishers.

TFI Environment has conducted ten environmental benchmarking studies chronicling the most profitable approaches to meeting environmental requirements and-beyond that-proactively becoming environmental leaders. TFI Environment trains engineers in designing their products for leading-edge "design-for-environment" rules, and coaches executives in setting strategic goals for environmental leadership with products and facilities worldwide.

Before founding Technology Forecasters, Inc., in 1987, Ms. Gordon was a senior analyst at Gnostic Concepts, Inc., an electronics industry market?research firm. Ms. Gordon is a Certified Management Consultant by the Institute of Management Consultants, and was Chair of the IMC's Northern California chapter. A prolific author, Ms. Gordon has written nearly 200 articles for trade and business journals. Ms. Gordon is also quoted in more than 50 journals and newspapers, is a popular guest lecturer at universities, and is regularly interviewed on radio and television regarding outsourcing and profitable, environmental business practices. She is a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society graduate from San Jose State University.

Pamela Gordon Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gil Friend

Founder, Pres., CEO, Dir. Please login

Andrew Dale

CTO Please login

Jorgen Vos

Dir. - Sustainability Analytics Please login

Shana Gillis

Contact Business Development, Operations Research Please login

David Jaber

Project Mgr. Please login

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