Dr. Dempsey has been Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors since 1996. Dr. Dempsey is the Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law, and Director of the Institute of Air & Space Law at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Dempsey previously served as Professor of Law and Director of the Transportation Law Program at the University of Denver in Colorado and Director of the National Center for Intermodal Transportation. He served as Legal Advisor to the Chairman, U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission, in 1981 and 1982; Attorney-Advisor to the former Civil Aeronautics Board's Office of General Counsel, and its Bureau of Pricing and Domestic Aviation, 1977-1979; and Attorney-Advisor to the Interstate Commerce Commission's Office of Proceedings, 1975-1977. Dr. Dempsey holds the following degrees: A.B.J., J.D., University of Georgia; LL.M., George Washington University; and D.C.L., McGill University. A Fulbright Scholar, he has authored in excess of 50 law review articles, numerous editorials for the news media and various books on topics relating to air transportation. |