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Profile of Peter Barker

Peter Barker

Contact Radiology - Kennedy Krieger Institute
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Company Name : Kennedy Krieger Institute
Company Website : www.kennedykrieger.org
Company Address : 707 North Broadway
, Baltimore, MD,
United States,
Peter Barker Profile :
Contact Radiology - Kennedy Krieger Institute
Peter Barker Biography :

Dr. Peter Barker attended Oxford University in the United Kingdom, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry and then a Doctor of Philosophy degree in physical chemistry. He conducted his post doctoral research at California Institute of Technology. In 1989 he joined the division of NMR research at Johns Hopkins University. In 1994 he accepted a position on the bioscientific staff in the department of neurology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, while teaching as an adjunct Associate Professor of Medical Physics at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. He returned to Hopkins in 1997, where he is currently a Professor of Radiology.

Dr. Barker has been awarded numerous NIH grants and has also been presented with the American Heart Association Established Investigator Award. Some of his recent publications include: Broadband Proton Decoupling for In Vivo Brain Spectroscopy in Humans; NAA - A Neuronal Marker?; and Single-Voxel Proton MR Spectroscopy of the Human Brain at 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla.

Peter Barker Colleagues :
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Bryan Stark

Dir. - Marketing, Public Relations Please login

Elise Babbitt

Mgr. - Communications Please login

Joseph Pillion

Dir. - Audiology Please login

Roberta Mason

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Harolyn Belcher

Dir. - Research Please login

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