Peter F. Weibel has been a member of the Board, the Chairman�s and Governance Committee and Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2004. His term as a member of the Board expires at the AGM in 2007. The Board has determined him to be independent under the Group�s independence standards. It has also determined him to be an audit committee financial expert within the meaning of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. After completing his studies in Economics at the University of Zurich in 1968, including a doctorate which he obtained in 1972, and after working as a consultant at IBM Switzerland for three years, Peter F. Weibel joined the Central Accounting Department at UBS in 1975 and later became a Senior Vice President in its Corporate Banking division. In 1988, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Revisuisse, one of the predecessor companies of PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, and served as a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Oversight Board from 1998 to 2001. He retired from his function as Chief Executive Officer of PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, in the summer of 2003 and thereafter joined the Boards of Credit Suisse, Winterthur Swiss Insurance Company and Winterthur Life. Mr. Weibel is Chairman of the Executive MBA Program of the University of Zurich, a member of the Board of the Greater Zurich Area AG, serves on the Swiss Advisory Council of the American Swiss Foundation and is the Chairman of the Nominating Committee of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce. He also serves as Chairman of the Pestalozzi Foundation and the Zurich Art Festival.