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Profile of Phil Hinkle

Phil Hinkle

N, A - Century Media Records
Phil Hinkle Email :
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Company Name : Century Media Records
Company Website : www.centurymedia.com
Company Address : 2323 W El Segundo Blvd.
, Hawthorne, CA,
United States,
Phil Hinkle Profile :
N, A - Century Media Records
Phil Hinkle Biography :

* Birth Date and Place

* Wiesbaden, Germany, 2/14/1973

* First Album Ever Bought

* Kiss - Hotter Than Hell

* First Concert Attended

* Quiet Riot on the QRIII tour -- 1986, dude

* Three Favorite Films

* Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (or anything with zombies in it)

* Three Favorite TV Shows

* Lost, Prison Break, Tripping the Rift

* Favorite Foods

* Beer + sugar-free candy

* How I Got Started in the Music Business

* Someone lied to me and said it would be fun.

* When I Started at Century Media

* A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (i.e. January 5, 2001)

* What I Was Doing Prior to Working at Century Media

* Your mom (yes, I am juvenile)

* Non-Musical Interests

* Reading, writing and arithmetic + Satanism, human sacrifice, watching teens gushing, video games, channel surfing, movies, collecting scabs and used gauze, masturbating, saying "so...uhuh" and "holy crap," pretending to pay attention, thinking out loud, cannibalism, ignoring the patchy white spots and excess fluid, making fun of hardcore/alt rock kids, playing with my "cat," laughing at old people, pretending I'm from the OC to score bored, rich, hot trust-fund babes, being cynical, making out with Swedish chicks, lying, relaxing with my "thoughts," crying, saying "I am mysgubben, hear me roar," filling out customer surveys and checking "below expectations" regardless, quoting tomb: "ridiculous," thinking of new ways to release tension, procrastinating, hacking, calling my cats "Buddy," mentioning obscure European movies and feeling superior when no ones knows what I'm talking about, stealing, just putting the tip in and then changing my mind, using my "immense" influence as Century Media A+R to get free stuff, pushing down little kids, attending funerals for the free food, spitting on hippies, buying DVDs, waiting, procreating, carrying around 20-sided dice just in case I run into an orc or evil tree gnome, playing Guitar Hero, shootin' the shit, going to Magic Mountain and thinking that, at the end of the day, I should have taken the blue pill...

* Pets

* Three cats: Bandit, Ewok And Van

* The First Thing I Do After Work Everyday

* Drink myself to deathslowly

* Dream Date

* Bananna + Jill while I watch

* Things I Hate The Most in the World

* People...or that feeling you have when something is stuck between your teeth

* Favorite Quote

* I was going to Baja, but Baja came to me. MB

* Most Surreal Rock N' Roll Moment

* Writing this down and thinking anyone might give a crap

* Bands Who Will Soon Rule the Planet

* Natilium Nebraska is the future hotbed of metal

* Personal Rantings

* Buy hi-def or die, suckas!

Phil Hinkle Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Marco Barbieri

Pres., Los Angeles Please login

Alex Kaehler

Staff, Los Angeles Please login

Andrew Hosner

Mgr. - Sales, Distribution, Los Angeles Please login

Branden Linnell

Dir. - Magic Arts Publishing USA, Los Angeles Please login

Brian Sharp

VP - Internal Operations, Los Angeles Please login

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