Ramesh Sharda is ConocoPhillips Professor of Management of Technology and a Regents Professor of Management Science and Information Systems in the College of Business Administration at the Oklahoma State University. He received his B. Eng. degree from India, M.S. from The Ohio State University and an MBA and Ph. D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. One of his major activities in the last few years was to start and serve as the Interim Director of the MS in Telecommunications Management Program at Oklahoma State. Presently he is directing the Institute for Research in Information Systems at OSU. Collaborative laboratory learning (Virtual Labs) is one of the research emphases of IRIS. Other areas include data mining and management of email overload. He and his colleagues are working on using information technology to facilitate electronic commerce between the US government and small business. This work sponsored by the ASSET program has resulted in development of SCORE, a tutorial for small businesses, and other web-based tools for facilitating business-to-business commerce. |