Raymond Watrous, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Founder. Dr. Watrous is a former Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Siemens Corporate Research, where he was engaged for 17 years in digital signal processing research, developing and applying nonlinear and adaptive methods to solve a variety of problems in speech recognition, time-series prediction, and the analysis, interpretation and monitoring of biomedical signals. While at Siemens Corporate Research, as a winner of the Siemens Corporate Technology 1997 Innovation Initiative and the SieNovation MED 2000 Business Plan Competition, Dr. Watrous was instrumental in developing the technology and business plan of Zargis Medical Corp., which ultimately led to its formation. Dr. Watrous has published numerous technical articles and has been awarded five patents. Prior to coming to Siemens, he was involved for 10 years in speech recognition research and development, engineering design, product development and software development at several advanced technology companies. |