Bob Wellington serves as a member of the National Milk Producers Federation Federal Order and Price Support Committees. He is a director and treasurer of both the Council of Northeast Farmer Cooperatives, and the Green Mountain Federation (of Vermont).
Bob works closely with the Departments of Agriculture in all New England states and New York and is a member of the Massachusetts Dairy Advisory Committee. He has been active in legislative attempts at both the state and federal level to increase milk prices and frequently testifies before state legislative bodies and Congress.
Bob has represented Agri-Mark at all Federal Order hearings since joining the cooperative in 1989.
Prior to joining Agri-Mark, Bob was Chief of Research and Senior Economist with the Milk Market Administrator's Officer in New York City for 11 years. He also served as Chairman of the Federal Order Economists Committee and Editor of their annual research directory. He has a Bachelor and Master's degree in Agricultural Economics from Rutgers University where he also taught for several years.