Dr. Robert Ricciardi is a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is Chairman of the Microbiology and Virology Program of the Molecular Biology Graduate Group. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana in cellular biology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Brandeis University and Harvard Medical School in the Department of Biological Chemistry and was forwarded fellowships by the American Cancer Society, National Institutes of Health and Charles A. King Trust. He developed one of the first techniques in molecular biology, which has been widely used both to map genes and determine the proteins they encode. While most of his research has centered on basic mechanisms of cancer, he has developed, patented, and has a patent pending for recombinant delivery vectors for use as vaccines and for potential use in gene therapy. Dr. Ricciardi has served as a consultant to The National Department of Infectious Disease. He has authored 55 publications, has been awarded a NATO Visiting Professorship at Ferrara Medical School, Italy, and has been an invitational speaker at various scientific meetings and a seminar guest speaker at the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University.