Robert S. Stubbs is the U.S. Pacific Command Historian. His degrees include a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts from the University of Hawaii, both in Asian Studies. Mr. Stubbs' civil service career began with the Pacific Communications Division at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, where he served from April 1981 to January 1991 and eventually became Chief of History. He accepted a position at Headquarters United States Pacific Command in January 1991. On 4 June 2000, he was promoted to US Pacific Command Historian. As Command Historian, he oversees the history program throughout the USPACOM area of responsibility and is responsible for providing a full range of historical services as well as producing an annual operational history of the Command. In his personal time, Mr. Stubbs volunteers with the youth of his church, is actively involved in the Boy Scout movement, and serves in his community as an elected member of Neighborhood Board #14. He is married and has four children. |