Academic background-Lawyer, Economist, Post-Graduation at Corporate Law at Funda��o Get�lio Vargas, Post-Graduation at Business Management. Professional Background-Administrative and Financial Manager at electronic products industry and civil construction company, Consultant in the Economic Area, Lawyer at Furnas Centrais El�tricas S.A. (Grupo Eletrobr�s), Regulatory Matters Manager at Light Participa��es S.A. Lightpar, General Consultant at Eletronet for legal and regulatory issues, Legal Manager at Funda��o Petrobr�s de Seguridade Social - PETROS. Other Activities-Professor at the Specialization Course at Funda��o Get�lio Vargas RJ, Guest Professor at UFRJ module in the post-graduation course in Electric Energy Sector Law 2001
Legal Consultant at APTEL Associa��o das Empresas Propriet�rias de Infra-estrutura e Sistemas Privados de Telecomunica��es, Speaker at UTC�s Internation Seminar United Telecommunications Council 2000, Speaker at the National Electric Energy Transmitting Companies Seminar 2001
Participant at International Seminar on Electric Sector Regulation 2000/ Montreal, Canada By recommendation of ANEEL, Participant in the International Seminar on Use of Utility Companies� infra-structure to render Telecom Services 2001/Paris, France invited by UTC to act in a Word Bank job about the same matter, Member of the National Commission for Legal Matters at ABRAPP, Member of the Regional Commission for Legal Matters at ABRAPP.