In a career spanning thirty years at CBS, Mr. Rupert Stow planned and monitored the introduction of Electronic Newsgathering, the Electronic Still Store, and a multi-cassette cartridge playback machine for news and commercials. He has been involved in HDTV program production, its economics, and the development of a single world standard for HDTV program production and international exchange. As Chair of the FCC's Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, Planning Subcommittee, Working Party on Economic Factors and Market Penetration, his work led directly to the completion of a North American Standard for the terrestrial transmission of programs in HDTV and other digital formats.
During the space race, Stow developed an image dissector for the Lunar Orbiter; During the Cold War, the Luxicon camera tube for the USAF, and, during the World War, a bolometric camera tube for night time tank battles. For the past five years, Mr. Rupert Stow has been a consultant in the fields of digital television and HDTV, specializing in production systems analysis, market penetration and ROI. |