Davis has been a Director since May, 2005. Mr. Davis has been the Chief Executive Officer of Providence Health Care since 1998 and CEO of Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane since 1996. From 1993-96, Skip was Senior Vice President, specializing in interim healthcare management projects, for the Hunter Group, a hospital management firm. Additionally, he was Chairman and CEO of Synergos Neurological Centers, Inc., in Santa Ana and Sacramento, the President of Diversified Health Group, Inc., of Sacramento,1982-87. In his career, he has worked with for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare organizations spanning the continuum of care, including hospitals, managed care organizations, clinics and hospital management firms. He has guided hospitals through reorganization, mergers, and the many changes that are inherent to today's healthcare environment. Mr. Davis is a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Executives and has published articles in "Modern Healthcare," "Health Week," and other business publications regarding healthcare issues and perspectives. Skip is currently on the Board and Chair Elect of the Spokane Area Chamber of Commerce, on the Boy Scouts of America Inland Northwest Council Board, and a member of the Washington State University Advisory Council. |