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Executive List
1. David Goldstein
2. David Gomez
(Founder - CEO - Pres.)
3. David Good
(Programming Team Member)
4. David Goodnight
(VP, Asia Pacific, Latin America)
5. David Goodrum
(Dir. - Land Development)
6. David Goold
7. David Gordon
(Dir., Exec. VP - Operations, Sec.)
8. David Gordon
(Physician - Emergency Medicine)
9. David Gorman
(Legal Counsel, Advisor)
10. David Gottfried
(Board of Advisor)
11. David Grady
(Board Dir.)
12. David Granatell
(Independent Board Dir.)
13. David Gray
(Research Geophysicist - Speaker)
14. David Gray
(Enterprise Software Engineering Practice Leader)
15. David Gray
(VP - Worldwide Production Services)
16. David Grayson
17. David Green
(VP - Sales - Europe, Middle East, Africa, EMEA)
18. David Green
(VP - R&D, Command Labs)
19. David Greenberg
(Sr. VP - Human Resources)
20. David Greenwald
(Assoc. Attorney)

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