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Executive List
1. David McMillan
(Pres. - Dynamotive USA)
2. David McMullen
(Partner - San Francisco)
3. David McWilliams
(Board Dir.)
4. David McWilliams
(Board Dir.)
5. David Miller
(Group VP - DuPont Electronic, Communication Technologies)
6. David Miller
7. David Mogle
8. David Mueller
(Exec. VP, Merchandising, Marketing)
9. David Mullen
(Exec. VP, CFO)
10. David Musket
(Board Dir.)
11. David Nash
(Board Dir.)
12. David Nash
13. David Needham
(Pres. - Network Solutions Group)
14. David Nelson
(Physician - Cataract Surgery, Comprehensive Ophthalmology)
15. David Newman
(VP - Operations)
16. David Papworth
(Intel Fellow - Legal, Government Affairs, Dir. - Microprocessor Product Development)
17. David Peraza
(Sr. Managing Engineer)
18. David Picker
(Assoc. Attorney)
19. David Pierce
(Chief Strategy Officer)
20. David Pittaway
(Board Dir.)

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