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Executive List
1. David Hallock
2. David Harrison
(Board Dir.)
3. David Helsel
4. David Johnson
(Exec. VP, General Counsel, Sec.)
5. David Kinder
(VP, Corporate Development, Treasurer)
6. David Kinder
(VP - Corporate Development, Treasurer)
7. David Kinley
(Board Dir.)
8. David Kitts
(Member - Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals Advisory Board)
9. David Lacroix
(VP, Relationship Mgr.)
10. David Maxsimic
(Exec. VP, Sales, Marketing)
11. David McKenery
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. David McMasters
(Sr. VP, Legal, General Counsel)
13. David Peden
14. David Pendergast
15. David Petratis
(Board Dir.)
16. David Powell
17. David Rendina
(Dir., CEO, Pres. - Lightyear Technologies Inc)
18. David Rines
19. David Ritter
(Assoc. Attorney)
20. David Roslund
(Board Dir.)

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