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Executive List
1. David Dranoff
2. David Durgin
(Board Dir.)
3. David Dutton
(Dir., CEO, Pres.)
4. David Edwards
5. David Estrin
(Board Dir.)
6. David Eves
(Dir., Pres., CEO, Southwestern Public Service Company, an Xcel Energy Company)
7. David Exline
(Dir., Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology Services)
8. David Felsenthal
9. David Finkelman
(Of Counsel - Los Angeles)
10. David Foster
(Assoc. Attorney)
11. David Fristoe
(Sr. VP, Controller, Chief Accounting Officer)
12. David Fry
(Sr. VP, COO)
13. David Gauthier
(Chief Convergence Engineer)
14. David Gehman
(Dir. - Surveying - Surveying Dept.)
15. David Geier
(VP - Electric Transmission, Distribution)
16. David George
(Board Dir.)
17. David Goebel
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
18. David Goldsmith
(Board Dir.)
19. David Graham
(Doctor - Hematology, Oncology)
20. David Grasso
(Assoc. Attorney)

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