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Executive List
1. Mohamad Elhag
(Provider - General Surgery at Franklin Surgery - Farmington)
2. Mohamed Abdel-Rahman
(VP Exploration)
3. Mohamed Battisha
(Sr. VP)
4. Mohamed Ben-Romdhane
(VP Baseband Engineering)
5. Mohamed Iqbal
(Assoc. Attorney)
6. Mohamed Shafi
(Production Mgr.)
7. Mohamed Alhammadi
8. Mohammad Ahmadi
(Pres., CEO)
9. Mohammad Azab
(Board Dir.)
10. Mohammad Kamal
(Medical Dir.)
11. Mohammad Siddiqui
(VP, Credit, Field Accounting)
12. Mohammad Zaidi
(Exec. VP - Market Strategy, Technology, Quality)
13. Mohammad Javaid
(Physician - UROLOGY)
14. Mohammad Sabbagh
(Physician - Neurology, Neurophysiology, Clinical - McLaren Regional Medical Center)
15. Mohammed Ali
(Assoc., Foreign Exchange, Money Market - TD Securities)
16. Mohammed Fassih-Nia
(VP - Global Integration Services)
17. Mohammed Shanableh
(VP, worldwide sales)
18. Mohammed Zuber
(Dir. - Research, Development)
19. Mohammed Rais
(Sr. VP)
20. Mohammed Nashawaty
(Physician - Medical Oncology, Hematology)

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