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Executive List
1. Patty Henderson
2. Patty Jacobsen
(Managing Partner)
3. Patty Kinder
(Assist. - GM)
4. Patty McCord
(Chief Talent Officer)
5. Patty Payan
(Sales Mgr. - Coral Gables, Ponce)
6. Patty Presta
(VP - Education, Communications)
7. Patty Reyna
(Alumni Coordinator)
8. Patty Shea
(Mgr. - energy, emergency services)
9. Patty Stonesifer
10. Patty Townsend
(CFO, VP, Sec.)
11. Patty Walsh
(Exec. Search Consultant)
12. Patty Miller
13. Pattye Moore
(Board Dir.)
14. Pattye Moore
(Board Dir.)
15. Paul Adams
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
16. Paul Adel
(Principal Environmental Engineer)
17. Paul Adkison
(Founder, Pres., CEO, , Dir.)
18. Paul Adreani
19. Paul Aisen
(Dir. - Memory Disorders Program)
20. Paul Aldrich

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