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Executive List
1. Paul Minardi
(CTO, Dir. - Infrastructure Services)
2. Paul Mitcham
3. Paul Modrich
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
4. Paul Mogote
5. Paul Moller
(Chmn., CEO, CFO)
6. Paul Moore
7. Paul Morgan
(Sr. Consultant, Dir. - Capital Markets, Modeling)
8. Paul Morgan
(Sr. Consultant - Strategic Planning)
9. Paul Morris
(Sr. VP, North American Sales)
10. Paul Morrisroe
11. Paul Mouly
(VP, Managing Principal, Operations, Global Transportation)
12. Paul Murdocm
(Research Dir.)
13. Paul Murnane
(Consultant - Sydney, Australia)
14. Paul Murphy
(Member - Designer - Developer)
15. Paul Myners
(Chmn., Board Dir.)
16. Paul Nacon
17. Paul Nadeau
(CFO, VP - Operations)
18. Paul Nagel
(VP - Engineering)
19. Paul Navarro
(Sr. VP - Client Services)
20. Paul Navin
(Accounting Mgr.)

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