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Executive List
1. Robert Lawless
2. Robert Leclair
(Physician, Pediatrics - Covington)
3. Robert Lefkowitz
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
4. Robert Lepofsky
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
5. Robert Leroux
(VP, Finance)
6. Robert Levenson
(Board Dir.)
7. Robert Levinson
8. Robert Lieblein
(Managing Partner)
9. Robert Linhardt
(Acting Dir., Center Biotechnology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Ann, John H Broadbent, Jr'59 Sr. Constellation Professor - Biocatalysis, Metabolic Engineering Professor, Dept. - Chemistry, Chemical Biology Professor, Dept. - Biology Professor, Dept. - Chemical, Biological Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
10. Robert Little
(VP, Chief Commercial Officer)
11. Robert Liubicic
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. Robert Loew
(Of Counsel)
13. Robert Logan
(Board Dir.)
14. Robert Lopes
15. Robert Lullo
(Sr. Dir. - Business Development)
16. Robert Lyons
(Board Dir.)
17. Robert Majteles
(Board Dir.)
18. Robert Majteles
(Board Dir.)
19. Robert Majteles
(Board Dir.)
20. Robert Manne
(Of Counsel)

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