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Executive List
1. Brain Briggs
(Sr. VP - Finance, CFO, Corp. Sec.)
2. Brain Carson
3. Brain Russell
(Board Dir.)
4. Brain Carlton
(Partner in Charge)
5. Brain Tooley
6. Bram Goldsmith
7. Brand Gamblin
(Member - Technology)
8. Brandee Caswell
(Assoc. Attorney)
9. Branden Linnell
(Dir. - Magic Arts Publishing USA, Los Angeles)
10. Brandi Blaisdell
(Acting Dir., Genetic Counseling Services)
11. Brandi Moses
(Account Exec.)
12. Brandi Watson
13. Brandi Morandi
(General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
14. Brandi Wust
(Sr. Consultant)
15. Brandie Holly
(Account Exec.)
16. Brandie Sylfae
(Personal Trainer)
17. Brandon Amber
(VP Business Development)
18. Brandon Arolfo
(Head - Production)
19. Brandon Arthur
(VP - GM, Community Interpreting)
20. Brandon Bernhard
(Account Exec.)

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