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Executive List
1. Samuel Higginbottom
(Board Dir.)
2. Samuel Kaplan
(Board Dir.)
3. Samuel Odle
(Board Dir.)
4. Samuel Shimer
(Board Dir.)
5. Samuel Westover
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
6. Samuel Carrington
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Samuel Duran
8. Samuel Eisenstat
9. Samuel Hopkins
(VP, Chief Accounting Officer)
10. Samuel Jones
(Member - Little Rock)
11. Samuel Sheldon
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. Samuel Allen
13. Samuel Brown
(VP - Commercial Downstream)
14. Samuel Hazen
(Pres. - Western Group)
15. Samuel Seidman
16. Samuel Thier
(Board Dir.)
17. Samuel Bell
(Board Dir.)
18. Samuel Bell
(Board Dir.)
19. Samuel Chapman
20. Samuel Frieder
(Board Dir.)

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