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Executive List
1. Cristina Vivenzio
(Marketing Mgr.)
2. Cristina Sadowsky
(Clinical Dir., International Center Spinal Cord Injury)
3. Cristina Chait
4. Cristina Rubke
(Assoc. Attorney)
5. Cristina Roman
(Assoc. - Little Rock)
6. Cristina Mendiola
(Group MD, ED - Corporate Resources)
7. Cristine Cioffi
8. Cristobal Guillen
(Board Dir.)
9. Crit Dement
(Sr. VP - Equipment Leasing)
10. Crosbie Burns
(Exec. VP, Worldwide Field Operations)
11. Crosby Haffner
(Board Dir.)
12. Crystal Connor-Lane
13. Crystal Dominguez
14. Crystal Knotek
(Sr. VP - Ground Operations, Customer Service)
15. Crystal Lofing
(Assoc. Attorney)
16. Crystal Poe
(Board Dir.)
17. Crystal Romero
(Dir. - Fuel Services)
18. Crystal Rose
(Board Dir. - Hawaiian Airlines, Inc)
19. Crystal Stephens
(Sr. Account Exec.)
20. Crystal Thompson
(Support Staff)

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