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Executive List
1. David Scholes
(Board Dir.)
2. David Schuette
3. David Schwarte
(Exec. VP, Human Resources Sabre Holdings)
4. David Schwartz
5. David Schwartz-Leeper
(Sr. VP, General Counsel)
6. David Shipley
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. David Siegel
(Founder, Pres., CEO)
8. David Sifre
(Special Counsel - New York)
9. David Simpson
(Member - Management)
10. David Sklar
(Board Dir.)
11. David Smith
12. David Smith
13. David Smith
(Chmn., CTO)
14. David Smith
(Chmn., CEO, Pres)
15. David Socks
(VP, Business Development, Analgesics)
16. David Soldani
(Assoc. Attorney)
17. David Sosne
18. David Spenard
(Of Counsel)
19. David Stagliano
20. David Stamler
(Sr. VP, Chief Medical Officer)

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