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Executive List
1. Doug Keller
(VP - Sales)
2. Doug Kelly
(Exec. VP, Creative Overview, Design)
3. Doug Kelsall
(Board Dir.)
4. Doug Kennedy
(Sr. VP - Worldwide Alliances, Channels)
5. Doug Kilponen
(VP - Business Development)
6. Doug Kindred
7. Doug Kittelsen
(Chief Product Officer, CTO)
8. Doug Kollme
(Dir., CFO)
9. Doug Lee
10. Doug Levin
11. Doug Levy
12. Doug Lind
(Board Dir.)
13. Doug Linney
(Board Dir.)
14. Doug Linquest
(Exec. VP - Strategy, Business Development)
15. Doug Lord
(Corp VP, Pres. - US Solutions Group)
16. Doug Lowry
(Dir. - Customer Service)
17. Doug Lwin
(VP, Human Resources - Bethesda)
18. Doug MacKenzie
(VP, Engineering)
19. Doug Maine
(Board Dir.)
20. Doug Makishima
(VP - Marketing, Sales)

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