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Executive List
1. John Kreick
(Non - Exec. Chmn.)
2. John Laird
(Board Dir.)
3. John Larson
(Board Dir.)
4. John Larson
(Attorney - Business Law, Corporate Finance, Securities)
5. John Lemoine
(Member - Advisory Board)
6. John Leone
(Board Dir.)
7. John Leone
(Board Dir.)
8. John Leone
(Board Dir.)
9. John Logan
10. John MacDonald
(Exec. VP, COO)
11. John Madsen
12. John Male
(Chmn., CEO)
13. John Marcil
14. John Marozsan
(Board Dir.)
15. John McArthur
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
16. John McCallum
17. John McDonald
18. John McDowall
19. John McGaha
(Pres., Entergy Nuclear Planning, Development, Oversight)
20. John McGeeney
(General Counsel, Sec.)

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