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Executive List
1. George More
(Advisor to the Board Dir.)
2. George Parsells
3. George Richter
(Pres. - Farmland Foods, Inc)
4. George Robinson
5. George Singer
6. George Soares
7. George Terhanian
(Pres., Europe, Global Internet Research)
8. George Thomas
(Research Scientist)
9. George Walker
(Global Head - Investment Management)
10. George Waterman
(Member - Advisory Board)
11. George White
(Partner, London)
12. George Wilson
(Board Dir., Exec. VP)
13. George Dudley
(Co - Chmn., Co - CEO)
14. George Ali
15. George Barber
(Board Dir.)
16. George Becker
17. George Berger
18. George Biltz
(Business Group Pres., Specialty Plastics, Elastomers)
19. George Brennan
(Exec. VP, Sales, Marketing)
20. George Brown

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