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Executive List
1. James Welsh
(Principal, CHIEF IDEA Officer)
2. James West
(Sr. Meteorologist, Editorial Content Editor)
3. James Whims
(Dir., Exec. Dir.)
4. James Whitehead
(Board Dir.)
5. James Whitemore
(Chief Marketing Officer)
6. James Wilhoit
(Mgr., Fan Development)
7. James Williams
8. James Williamson
(Training Coordinator)
9. James Winchester
(Chief Medical Officer)
10. James Winchester
(GM, Ruggedized Command, Control Solutions, RCCS)
11. James Wishart
(Pres., CEO)
12. James Wong
(Co - Founder, CEO)
13. James Woodcock
14. James Woodward
(Board Dir.)
15. James Wren
(Exec. VP, Legal Counsel)
16. James Wrightsman
17. James Wrigley
(Group Pres., Global Apparel Solutions)
18. James Yeager
(Sr. VP, , Tresurer)
19. James Yeakel
(VP, Assoc. Publisher)
20. James Yip
(Physician, Obstetrics, Gynecology)

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