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Executive List
1. Bill Johnson
(Exec. VP - Partnership Group, Citi Cards - Global Consumer Group)
2. Bill Johnson
(Pres., CEO)
3. Bill Jones
(Founder, Chmn.)
4. Bill Jones
(Pinnacle Rutherford County Area Exec.)
5. Bill Karpovich
(Board Dir.)
6. Bill Katherman
(VP, MD, Asia Pacific Region)
7. Bill Kaufman
(Member - Kaufman, Assoc.)
8. Bill Keating
9. Bill Keller
(Exec. Editor - The New York Times)
10. Bill Kelly
(Mgr. - Human Resource)
11. Bill Kelvie
12. Bill Kessler
(Dir. - Finance)
13. Bill Kirk
(CEO, Co - Founder)
14. Bill Klages
15. Bill Klein
(Chmn. - Advisory Group)
16. Bill Knick
(Exec. VP)
17. Bill Kowalski
(Sr. VP Client Development, Consulting)
18. Bill Kracklauer
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
19. Bill Kurtis
(Member - External Advisory Board)
20. Bill Lafontaine
(VP - Program Management)

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