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Executive List
1. Christine Dykstra
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
2. Christine Bondra
(Assist. VP, Relationship Mgr.)
3. Christine Ekman
(Assoc. Attorney)
4. Christine Jaroszewicz
(Board Dir. - Cleveland)
5. Christine Smith
(Assoc. Attorney)
6. Christine Socha
7. Christine Brown
(Assoc. Attorney)
8. Christine Dugan
(Consulting Actuary)
9. Christine Nicholas
10. Christine Powell
(Advisor, Analyst)
11. Christine Ray
12. Christine Li
(Partner, Real Estate Dept.)
13. Christine Marks
(Counsel, Litigation Dept.)
14. Christine Miller
(Member - Firm)
15. Christine Shirtcliff
(Pres., Baystate Mary Lane Hospital)
16. Christine Meng-Sang
(Independent Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
17. Christine McDermott
(VP - Corporate Communications)
18. Christine Lyons
19. Christine Ocampo
(VP - Finance)
20. Christine Hamm
(Assoc. Attorney)

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