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Executive List
1. Jean-Paul Vettier
(Dir., Sr. Adviso - Investment Funds)
2. Jean-Paul Votron
(Member - Supervisory Board)
3. Jean-Paul Montupet
(Exec. VP - Emerson Industrial Automation)
4. Jean-Philippe Courtois
(Pres. - Microsoft International)
5. Jean-Philippe Deschamps
(Independent Board Dir.)
6. Jean-Philippe Lambert
7. Jean-Philippe Montfort
8. Jean-Philippe Pin
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
9. Jean-Philippe Roux
(Assoc. Attorney)
10. Jean-Philippe Vanot
(Sr. Exec., VP Group Networks, Information Systems)
11. Jean-Pierre Boisivon
(Board Dir.)
12. Jean-Pierre Clamadieu
(Board Dir., CEO)
13. Jean-pierre Dagon
(Dir. - Corporate Safety, AirTran Airways)
14. Jean-Pierre Garnier
(Board Dir.)
15. Jean-Pierre Labroue
(Group Exec. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
16. Jean-Pierre Lee
17. Jean-Pierre Levrey
(Pres. - SNA Europe Group)
18. Jean-pierre Millet
(MD - Paris, France)
19. Jean-Pierre Millon
(Board Dir.)
20. Jean-Pierre Millon
(Board Dir.)

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