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Executive List
1. John Roberts
(International Linguistics Consultant)
2. John Rust
3. John Rutledge
4. John Ryan
(Board Dir.)
5. John Sasaki
6. John Saunders
(Exec. VP, COO)
7. John Scanlon
(Regional Managing Principal)
8. John Schultz
(Sr. Real Estate Advisor)
9. John Serino
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
10. John Sharp
(Board Dir. - Atlanta)
11. John Sharpe
(Sr. VP, CIO)
12. John Shepherd
(Founder, Medical Dir.)
13. John Signorello
(Chmn., CEO)
14. John Simon
(Sr. VP - Human Resources - Pacific Gas, Electric Company)
15. John Sischo
(Board Dir., Exec. VP)
16. John Slater
17. John Sloan
(Vice Chmn.)
18. John Sloan
(Vice Chmn.)
19. John Sluis
(Sr. VP - Finance, CFO)
20. John Stevens
(Consulting VP - Business Development)

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